Friday, April 8, 2016


Well, I am going to try this out & see how it goes. Since I won't be having any "time to myself" because I don't have my own room to start. & I really don't know how I am going to do this. I am used to being alone when I am at my house, just going into my room & being by myself. But now I can't.. Nothing is the same anymore, & I really don't like it. I actually hate it, because right now I would be sitting in my room writing in my journal. But instead I have to start writing in this again just to write since I don't have any time to myself anymore.
I hate when people see me writing in my journal. I don't feel comfortable. But when I do it on my laptop no one knows what I am doing. I could be making a tweet or posting something on Facebook, or searching something on Google. But nope, I am writing my feelings away on this once again.
This is really going to suck. I don't have anyone to really talk too, I am all by myself here. I mean, this will help me be okay with being alone eventually. But I really didn't want to get used to being alone like this. Because I am not lying when I say this really sucks.

You know, I hate it here. I don't want to be here anymore & I've only been here for almost two days. I can't stand it here. I am all alone, I have no one here. Me & my mom fight all the time, get into the littlest arguments. I hate it, so damn much. All I want to do is get away. Get the hell out of this house & get away from my damn mother. I can't stand it here anymore.
I just want to get in a car & drive. Clear my head with the windows down & loud music on the freeway. Just drive until I have no idea where I am, & just continue driving. Drive into a city, or even into the country. & not care when I get back, if I even come back.
But first I have to get my licenses, a job & a car. Once I have all of that I am pretty much set, I can do whatever the hell I want & not have someone bitch at me all the time. I can leave this house whenever I want & come back whenever I want. I can go wherever I want & just not care. Holy shit I can't wait for that! But first, I have to get a job..

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